Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Shout Out of Gratitude

      I realized something, quite some time ago. I am grateful for so many people, and I want them to be recognized for all that they've taught and helped me through. I was thinking about writing it down in my journal, which would be fine, but who sends out a journal entry to their friends and family members? Oh wait, nobody. How about Facebook? Nah, then it just seems like I'm bragging. (Which I kind of am, they're pretty cool.) I think that I'd have to start with my roommates. I can rightly say that nobody has had better roommates than I have had this past semester. Lindsey, (I can't forget about our adopted roommate Trent,) Bailie, Deborah, Luci (my adopted roommate) Lani, and Rachel. 

     Lindsey taught me to be more Christlike. She was always doing the dishes and cleaning the apartment. She's very selfless, and I really admire her for that. Trent (BOY!) showed me that USU 1360 would be nothing with a few games of solitaire, or last minute studying the night before. He also taught me that its okay to be sarcastic and have a good natured argument every so often. Bailie. Oh Bailie. Where do I even start with this girl? She's taught me to embrace awkward hand gestures. *insert awkward hand gesture here* She taught me to be confident in myself; it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you, it only matters what you think about yourself. Deborah has shown me that being quick to smile is the only way to go, and that Avatar the Last Airbender is legit. (Thanks girl for watching it the night I came over to check out the apartment to see if I wanted to buy the contract; you sold me, watching Avatar that night with Chris.) Luci, for being my friend and letting me be an older sister to her. She's so happy and bright all the time with the sassiness of a Southerner. Miss Lani, the best adopted older sister. For showing me that it is important to be a good listener. Also, voices are fun to play around with. *insert random Lani voice here* She taught me to care deeply, for caring is never wasted.
     Rachel. She has taught me so many things, and thus deserves a bit more of a list. Rachel taught me that people come first. One night, she skipped class just to listen to my struggles. Another night she stayed up with me until I stopped crying after a particularly rough week. She taught me that I am a strong, independent women. Rachel taught me that God is there for me, and He always will be.  It's also perfectly acceptable to have a dance party anytime of day or night, with or without music. Randomly singing one line of a song is socially acceptable too. (But only if you sing in unison.) Rachel taught me that there is love, and it can come through a roommate. Thank you Rachel, for being one of my best friends. May we stay that way eternally.
L to R: Me, Lindsey, Rachel, Bailie, Deborah, and Lani. PC: Trent

Yes, that's Trent in the middle....
Rachel & Me PC: Andrew EC: Rachel
Next is for all the fun boys that I've had the opportunity to go on dates with this past semester. I've learned so much with each one of them, and had fun getting to know lots of people. One guy in particular is Andrew. One thing I know for certain is that God really blessed me when He had Lani set me up with him. I would have never guessed he would become my best friend. Andrew is generous, kind, funny, understanding, stubborn (in the best possible way) and downright sweet. I can't tell you how many times this incredible kid would blow my mind my doing my dishes, paying for food, or even just being there when I needed someone to talk to. When I grow up, I want to be like him. I want to have the eternal perspective he has and learn how to love life with the zeal that he has.
Andrew and I up at the wind caves. We're kind of excited.

We climbed a bit. Then almost got stuck. It's fine.

     My family. I would definitely not be where I am today without this incredible family of mine. I once heard that only time can heal all wounds. Time has definitely helped, but my family has made the healing process so much easier and smoother. They've given me support, love, and laughter when I most needed it. My Mom was so patient with me; I think I called her almost every day for a whole month, and I've never heard her complain about the time that I took up. She was angry, sad, and happy with me. She's simply magnificent. 

     The two people who I owe the most gratitude to though is my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Without them, I would have never survived this past semester. I would have given up. But because of Them, I have grown stronger and stronger each day. I have learned from the past and have developed myself because of it. I am happier and have more knowledge. I love Them and want to be with Them forever. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and am so grateful to know the truth.